In this episode of the Huntley Leadership Podcast, Ron Huntley engages with Anthony D'Ambrosio, the writer and director of 'Triumph of the Heart.' They explore the intersection of faith, creativity, and the church's role in communicating beauty. Anthony shares his journey into filmmaking, the importance of reclaiming beauty in the church, and the profound impact of Maximilian Kolbe's story on his faith and creative endeavors. The conversation highlights the crisis of hope in contemporary culture and the transformative power of suffering and beauty in the pursuit of evangelization. In this conversation, Anthony D'Ambrosio discusses his journey in filmmaking, particularly focusing on the production of a film about Maximilian Kolbe. He shares insights into the collaborative efforts that brought together a talented team, the mission behind the film, and the innovative approaches being taken to create impactful Catholic films. The discussion also highlights the importance of community support and investment in the film's theatrical release, emphasizing the potential for a renaissance in faith-based cinema. You can also listen to the podcast weekly on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! Listen on Spotify ⇥ Listen on Apple ⇥ Subscribe on YouTube ⇥ @huntleyleadership --- ➡️ Parish Evangelization Course for Leaders This comprehensive course delivered online by Huntley Leadership features a 3-part collaborative learning environment uniquely designed with parish evangelization leaders in mind. Sign up here: __ Connect with Huntley Leadership! Subscribe to this YouTube channel ⇥ @huntleyleadership Visit our website ⇥ Connect on LinkedIn ⇥ Follow on Twitter ⇥ Follow on Instagram ⇥ Follow on Facebook ⇥ __ About Huntley Leadership Ron Huntley has been strengthening Catholic leaders worldwide as a trusted global partner in parish and diocesan renewal for years. As a speaker, author, and host of his own podcast, Ron is passionate about helping to create ridiculously fruitful parishes. Priests, Bishops and Ministry Partners around the world enjoy Ron’s experience, energy and leadership coaching. The Huntley Leadership Podcast is a Catholic podcast that exists to inspire leaders to see the best, speak the best, and draw the best out in others. When we say Catholic Leadership, we don’t just mean the Pastor or Bishop, we mean everyone in your parish and on your team. With a new episode every Monday, there's never a shortage of insights into leadership, renewing your perspective, and living a life in pursuit of Jesus. Keywords faith, creativity, church, beauty, evangelization, Maximilian Kolbe, Triumph of the Heart, hope, suffering, Catholicism, Catholic filmmaking, The Chosen, Maximilian Kolbe, community support, film industry, crowdfunding, faith-based films, cinematic storytelling, investment opportunities, cultural renaissance