
#176. Audiobook sample, grammar XはYで‪す‬ jENI NO PIKA PIKA NIHONGO 日本語

    • 言語学習


Welcome to Jenni's Pika Pika Japanese.

Today, it is very warm with a high temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, as if the cold weather was a lie.

A couple of days ago it was so cold that I was running a heater, but now I want an air conditioner, and if I am not careful, I might get sick.

Today, I would like to introduce the basic form of "X is Y" from the grammar part of the Audio Book.

X : subject, noun

は : particle

Y : predicate, noun or adjective

です : copular

I (X) am Kling (Y).

Please listen to the audio and practice.


Welcome to Jenni's Pika Pika Japanese.

Today, it is very warm with a high temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, as if the cold weather was a lie.

A couple of days ago it was so cold that I was running a heater, but now I want an air conditioner, and if I am not careful, I might get sick.

Today, I would like to introduce the basic form of "X is Y" from the grammar part of the Audio Book.

X : subject, noun

は : particle

Y : predicate, noun or adjective

です : copular

I (X) am Kling (Y).

Please listen to the audio and practice.
