The Drifters
Available on Prime Video
Starring Jonathan Ajayi (Wonder Woman. 1984, Noughts and Crossses) and Lucie Bourdeu (En Famille, Tout ce Qui Brill). The Drifters is acolourful story about young love on the run and a snapshot of one hot summer weekend. Koffee is a West African who has spent most of his life drifting from place to place. Fanny is a young French woman with a troubled past looking for adventure. After a botched motorbike heist in London, they escape to the coast with some stolen jewellery and a gun. Koffee realises he may only have a few days of freedom before events catch up with him. He chooses to spend them living just how we wants, and this means being with Fanny, whatever the cost.
Starring Jonathan Ajayi, Lucie Bourdeu, Jonjo O'Neill
Director Ben Bond