Unicycle Hero

Unicycle Hero
Based on the #1 Global Sport
Dream of competing in the Olympic decathlon but lack the physical gifts to endure its grueling events? Never fear, videogames are here! And when it comes to mimicking one of the sporting world’s greatest all-around challenges, few games do it with the style and panache of Unicycle Hero.
That’s right. In this hilarious arcade game, you take on a series of track-and-field events while balancing on a unicycle. Because throwing a javelin wasn’t hard enough already.
And make no mistake: This is not easier than it sounds. You’ll need to subtly shift your weight back and forth as you inch down the runway toward the foul line. Oh, and you’ll typically be carrying something awkward (like an oversize pool cue) or heavy (think bowling ball or giant log). Toss it before you keel over, then revel in the cheers of the adoring crowd.
Of course, only one player can stand atop the podium. Can you beat our high score?
Your challenge: Achieve a total score higher than 3,780 in Unicycle Hero’s Career mode. To keep it fair, you’re not allowed to upgrade your athlete—not even one coin spent in the Performance Enhancement area!
As you may have noticed, our high-score run was far from perfect—we blew it on the ball-and-chain toss and barely flipped the table. But a strong showing on the log toss and racket smash helped tremendously. So learn from our mistakes: If you mess up one event, just, uh, roll with it! And follow these tips:
• Position matters. Leaning forward while throwing the bowling ball or log will result in a better toss, while leaning back may help the javelin soar farther.
• The pool cue is tricky. Like a real billiard shot, try to hit the eight ball right in the middle to maximize distance.
• The table flip may be the toughest event. The key to success? Get a full head of steam and push it a bit before flipping. Use your momentum!