The Guitarist’s Companion

Guitar 3D AR will show you—in vivid detail—how to play the instrument.

Guitar 3D - AR

Learn Guitar Chords in AR


At some point, every amateur guitarist in the world has heard an especially catchy riff, lick, or power chord and wondered: How can I play that?

Guitar 3D AR is an iOS-exclusive app built to answer that question. It teaches by showing you a 3D-animated guitarist playing to chords and chord progressions—either left-handed or right-handed.

Thanks to augmented reality (hence the AR in the app’s name), you can view your guitarist teacher as small as an action figure or as big as yourself.

Place the digital guitarist in the same space where you play guitar and rotate around him to see how his hands move from any angle you’d like.

You can also look straight on, as if you’re an audience of one. Or you can move your iPhone or iPad to get the same view you would as if you were holding the guitar yourself.

There are hundreds of chord fingerings depicted in the app—major, minor triad, and dominant7 chords in all keys, and much more.

Composing your own music in the app or making chord progressions of your favorite songs is easy.

In the upper left corner of the screen, you'll see a triangular button. With a tap, a full menu of chords slides out. Pick the ones you want to add to a timeline below for your 3D guitarist to perform.

The app also has chord packs for sale, making hundreds of more animations available—think Majoradd9, minoradd9, diminished and half-diminished (min7b5) chords in all keys.

While Guitar 3D AR isn’t going to teach you how to play guitar from the ground up, or how to read music, it’s a powerful tool for mastering chords (power or otherwise).