Beneath These Lies Beneath These Lies

Publisher Description

From New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author Meghan March comes a riveting standalone novel in a series readers call "deliciously addictive" and "binge-worthy". Are you ready to go back to New Orleans? 

Look, but don’t touch…she might as well wear a neon sign that says it. It just makes me want her more.

She might be above me in every way, but I still want her under me.

I’ve got no business touching her rich-girl skin, but that won’t stop me from stealing a taste. Because rules were meant to be broken—especially when the prize is so fine.

In a world where nothing is as it seems, what's buried beneath these lies?

* * * 

Beneath These Lies is the fifth book in the Beneath series, but each of these hot contemporary romances can be enjoyed as a stand alone. Then again, why would you want to miss out on all the alpha heroes and the women who bring them to their knees? After all, there's something for everyone in New Orleans…

Beneath Series Reading Order:

Beneath This Mask (Beneath #1)

Beneath This Ink (Beneath #2)

Beneath These Chains (Beneath #3)

Beneath These Scars (Beneath #4)

Beneath These Lies (Beneath #5)

Beneath These Shadows (Beneath #6)

Beneath The Truth (Beneath #7)

March 15
Meghan March LLC
Meghan March LLC

Customer Reviews

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Meghan_Nicole ,

5++ What A Rollercoaster Ride Stars

So this book is probably, hands down, one of the best books I've read in a while. Everything Meghan writes had been nothing short of amazing but this one blew me away. I found myself anxious to turn the page because I couldn't ever figure out what was coming next. When I thought I had it figured out, I was always proven wrong. It had me so on edge and I couldn't take my mind off it, so I woke up TWO HOURS before my alarm went off to get up for work this morning just so I could find out how this story ended. And let's face it, I REALLY cherish my sleep so that speaks volume on how amazing this book is! I heart Meghan and her words so hard!!! ❤

shadowplay4u ,

a spectacularly exquisite gift

Beneath These Lies is a spectacularly exquisite gift that exemplifies and radiates the very essence of my deepest longings while putting it in terms of the most incredible love story this author has written to date. Erase every assumption you have ever made about love because this book will eviscerate every single one of them. It will wipe the slate completely clean and show you that love can be both shockingly unexpected while also heartbreakingly perfect. Who are we to assume that we are experts about love and its most intimate interworking in our life? The best kind is the one that walks up behind you and takes you completely by surprise. A love that can rock your very foundation is one that is worth everything.

While we may think that the ugliness of our past will negate any chances at true happiness, we are sorely mistaken. The only thing we need to worry about is opening our arms and our heart to love when it walks up to us and presents itself. Don’t let it slip from your fingers and walk away because that will haunt you the rest of your days. What attributes value to anything is the amount of effort that we put into attaining it. How much is love worth to you? When it stares you in the face, will you run away out of guilt, or will you take it by the hand lead it into your very soul? If that love presented itself into the most inconvenient of packages would you still accept it, or would you throw it away for something that others would perceive as safe and normal? Can living a half-life for the sake of appearances be worth the constant ache of emptiness at the very core of your being? Only the courage that lives within you can answer these character revealing questions. Do you have the courage to follow your heart no matter where love leads you? Is your heart strong enough to fight the battles that are worthy of the rewards to come? Don’t discount that still small voice inside you even if you are guided to step out on faith and take the biggest gamble of your life. It could very well be what you have been dreaming about.

Meghan March, you are my real life hero! You don’t fear to follow your heart, and you don’t waver to explore the dark areas of the soul. Instead, you dive right in seeking truth and knowledge that allows the rest of us to revel in your brilliant genius and masterful ingenuity. We benefit from the gently sincerity and unabashed inquisitive nature that compels and drives you. I hope that you never stop questioning the world around you. What a dark and empty place in this world you would leave without your light of joy and grace.

bsmile 0103 ,

Beneath These Lies

Loved it so brutally honest, ravishing, and exciting!

Stolen English Stolen English
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